Introductory comments

9th graders in MMIB and your parents, this page is part of an effort to collect information and make it widely available. Your participation in the page is invited.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Notes from the 9th Grade parents mtg at MMIB on March 23, 2010

Thank you to each parent and student who attended the meeting on 03-23-10 and to those who have faithfully attended our meetings throughout this year. Your ideas and service really do make a difference for our students and for the MMIB community.

Summary of the Meeting of Ninth Grade Students and Parents

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:00-9:00 am MMIB School Cafeteria

1. Carol Cross reiterated the focus of this meeting: to develop a plan for gathering information to include in a 5 min. presentation about housing and direction of the IB Diploma Program in Iredell County by a spokesperson for our group at the ISS Board of Education Meeting on April 12, 2010, 6pm, at the Iredell County Government Center, second floor. This presentaion will be in the "Public Comments" section of the agenda. (Lisa VanBuhler, Parent Liaison, represented the PTSO Board at the meeting on March 23.)

2. Open discussion followed about parent and student preferences for housing the Diploma Program and about recommendations for content of the presentation at the ISS Board Meeting on April 12.

3. It was recommended that a Ninth Grade Internal Task Force gather and synthesize factual information for ninth grade parents and students to consider prior to the presentation on April 12. The following people agreed to serve on the Internal Task Force: Karen Abercrombie, Deb Bradley, Moira Campbell, Heather Griffin, Bob Gourley, Jr., Joanie Guglielmi, Larry Harrelson, Hyeyoung Jung, Jeff Kent, Sarah Miller, Jayanthi Rajan, John Spates, Sheri Vitkus, and Dana Tucker.

3. A MMIB PTSO survey of student/parent preferences for the location of the IB Diploma Program prior to the ISS Board Meeting was recommended.

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